Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A note from a former resident of DeRidder....

I got an email this week from Mike, who grew up in DeRidder. Here's what he had to say about the place:

"DeRidder was an interesting place. It was and is a small, backwater town, but had a suprisingly cosmopolitan population due to the influence of Fort Polk. The Army families who lived there brought a pretty decent cultural mix to the area. I was never particularly happy as child there, and couldn't wait to get away. After high school I moved to Washington, DC for college, then on to Chicago, San Diego, and finally settling down in Knoxville, TN. It is facinating to see the various paths that people travel to a particular time and place."

I'd love to hear from anyone else who lives or has lived in DeRidder...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

This is sad

Seems like the lumber industry in Louisiana is in distress....there's less call for pine and pulp these days. Sad that a state that used to boast some of the biggest pines around is now having a hard time peddling pulp for liner board, whatever that is. I can't help feeling a bit like they deserve it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

DeRidder, Louisiana--Cleanest City?

That's what they're aiming for. Yes, DeRidder, with the help of a new $50,000 grant, is entering The Cleanest City Contest. First one the agenda: Cleaning up the east side park (I don't know which one they're talking about) and putting street signs on antique posts in the historic district. I sort of make fun of the sprucifying going on in DeRidder, but the truth is...it is a historic town. A classic company town in the era of sawmills. It deserves to survive, and be proud of its past--and I hope it finds its way forward. There is certainly someone with a will pushing it in that direction. I wonder who it is?